Status: work-in-progress
Last modified: 2016-11-15
Russell Cameron Thomas
PhD Candidate
George Mason University


  1. First Post (2016-10-29) — This is just a test.


Author’s Diary

  1. Friday 12/9/16 — Installed piwik on my server. Piwik is an open source web analytics platform that does not depend on or send any information to any…

  2. Wednesday 12/7/16 — To make progress on the ICED17 paper, I continued to modify and add to “Negotiating Team Roles and Responsibilities” chapter, pushing the emphasis on the…

  3. Saturday 12/03/16 — I spent most of the daylight hours getting the p5.js-widget editor styled and formated the way I want – consistent with the rest of the…

  4. Friday 12/02/16 — I was able to get syntax highlighting on this web site. Before, the WebPPL editor was treating all the <pre><code>…</pre></code> blocks as WebPPL code. I…

  5. Wednesday 11/30/16 — I started out on extending the code in the Team Negotiation model (production process), but got side-tracked on writting sections in the Functional Programming chapter….

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Toward a Secure Website by Design

  1. Hosting Decision (2016-11-24) — The first practical decision for any website is where and how to host it. Of course, factors like cost, performance, and usability are important to…

  2. What Is The Value Of This Website? (2016-11-24) — From a security point of view, it is important to start with some analysis of the value of a web site – to the author…

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