Russell Cameron Thomas
PhD Candidate
George Mason University


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Author’s Workbench

  1. Tutorial: Fundamentals of Probabilistic Programming
    8 chapters: 3 drafts, 5 works-in-progress, last mod.: 2016-12-11

  2. Tutorial: Risk Modeling with Probabilistic Programming
    6 chapters: 1 draft, 1 work-in-progress, 4 stubs, last mod.: 2016-11-01

  3. Tutorial: Financial Applications of Probabilistic Programming ⛔️

  4. Models of Teams and Innovation
    9 chapters: 2 drafts, 7 works-in-progress, last mod.: 2016-12-07

  5. Models of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives
    1 chapter: 1 work-in-progress, last mod.: 2016-11-03

  6. Models of Cyber Insurance ⛔️

  7. Models of the Functional Ecology of Organizations and Institutions
    14 chapters: 14 stubs, last mod.: 2016-11-02

  8. Tutorial: P5.js - A Tool for Generative Visualizations
    2 chapters: 2 works-in-progress, last mod.: 2016-12-03


This site is primarily an authoring workbench related to my academic work (Computational Social Science: risk, innovation, institutions), and especially recent work using probabilistic programming with WebPPL. Documents here are in the process of being created and revised. Posts in the Blog are are a chronological journal of observations along the way, and thus more stable and cumulative. Overall, the goal of this site is to help us – both you and me – learn new topics and tools (e.g. probabilistic programming) and to explore interesting and challenging applications.

The intended audience both academia and industry. The writing style is mostly tutorial and informal. References and citations are included for people who want to dive deeper.

Because the documents are perpetually changing, I recommend against citing them or hyperlinking to any specific web pages. When they reach a point of completion, I’ll post them in an online archive service.

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